This is a magical lesson. Things have value whereas your peace of mind is priceless. Never ever sell out what is priceless for what is valuable? So, if you lose something valuable, leave something behind or break that which is valuable to us, we can really get upset and experience feelings of regret, guilt, anger, frustration, and loss for the item. We will often go to enormous lengths to buy something we really want like a sports car, diamond ring, house or whatever we desire that we think will make us happier. It is easy to slip into feelings of jealousy or inferiority if we compare our possessions to others.
The reality to consider is how much we can use possessions and how much we are in love with the idea of having things and how it will cause others to admire and envy our status when the fact of the matter is we can only drive one car at a time, use one room at a time, wear one amazing outfit at a time and imagine in our minds how much people admire our beautiful things. I’m in no way advocating blunting ambitions and enjoying rewards for hard work but what I am saying is that possessions are all replaceable, upgradeable, and breakable. They can have great monetary or sentimental value, but they are just things and even though relationships can suffer the same fate as possessions they are not easily replaced like possessions. Your key relationships are priceless.
If we sell our soul by neglecting or destroying priceless relationships for things, it is a mistake because in the one bed where we sleep, surrounded by our own thoughts or in the mirror we use, the one relationship we cannot escape is the relationship we have with ourselves!
The peace or lack of peace within our minds lives with us every day and if we have no peace then redemption is hard to find and takes way more time than causing the damage with no guarantees of repair.
When justifications ring hollow and we are forced to brush poor relationship decisions under the carpet, where we must accept our own lies in order to function, surrounded by beautiful things and broken loyalties, then our mental health suffers more than we care to admit.
Remember, understand that which in life is valuable, versus that which is priceless. Ultimately peace of mind is everything and it cannot be bought!

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This is a magical lesson. Things have value whereas your peace of mind is priceless. Never ever sell out what is priceless for what is valuable? So, if you lose something valuable, leave something behind or break that which is valuable to us, we can really get upset and experience feelings of regret, guilt, anger, frustration, and loss for the item. We will often go to enormous lengths to buy something we really want like a sports car, diamond ring, house or whatever we desire that we think will make us happier. It is easy to slip into feelings of jealousy or inferiority if we compare our possessions to others.

The reality to consider is how much we can use possessions and how much we are in love with the idea of having things and how it will cause others to admire and envy our status when the fact of the matter is we can only drive one car at a time, use one room at a time, wear one amazing outfit at a time and imagine in our minds how much people admire our beautiful things. I’m in no way advocating blunting ambitions and enjoying rewards for hard work but what I am saying is that possessions are all replaceable, upgradeable, and breakable. They can have great monetary or sentimental value, but they are just things and even though relationships can suffer the same fate as possessions they are not easily replaced like possessions. Your key relationships are priceless.

If we sell our soul by neglecting or destroying priceless relationships for things, it is a mistake because in the one bed where we sleep, surrounded by our own thoughts or in the mirror we use, the one relationship we cannot escape is the relationship we have with ourselves!

The peace or lack of peace within our minds lives with us every day and if we have no peace then redemption is hard to find and takes way more time than causing the damage with no guarantees of repair.

When justifications ring hollow and we are forced to brush poor relationship decisions under the carpet, where we must accept our own lies in order to function, surrounded by beautiful things and broken loyalties, then our mental health suffers more than we care to admit.

Remember, understand that which in life is valuable, versus that which is priceless. Ultimately peace of mind is everything and it cannot be bought!

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