The word gift means that you're given something for nothing. It is a blessing that requires no work, and you don't have to earn it. It is simply a gift. Talent is a gift!
When people are gifted in any field, whether it be in sport, acting, plumber, electrician, looks, anything that we value in any field, it has been freely given to us and most of us are talented at something, often not that noticeable like a great parent or a person of great empathy that make others feel good.
This is not something to be proud of. This is something to be grateful for and this is what the myth of talent is, when people feel in some way that they're entitled to do well, admired or respected just because they are talented and gifted. No. Talent is only the starting point! How hard we work, the way we go about honing our skills to enhance the talent and what we build on top of the talent is what we can be proud of, because this is the work that we've put in to honour the talent that we've been given.
Talent does not determine whether we make it or not. It is an element of helping us get higher than we might have done with less talent. It is work, dedication and resilience that determine whether we make something of our talent. The world is full of people with talent. Every single person pretty much has something that they're good at, so why do some succeed and others not? It is simply because they are willing to go through the disappointments willing to learn and improve on their talent. So it's a myth that we need oodles of talent to make it in life.
It is work ethic and actions that is the final determinant as to how well we do in life. Sure, when the most gifted work the hardest, they become superstars. It's an amazing gift that they've been given but the rewards that they earn is because of the incredible work that they've put in in order to exploit that talent to its highest abilities.
Thanks for listening and get out there and happily do the work and see where it gets you because the most important thing is that you enjoy the fruits of what you earn from nurturing your own talents. Happy to work hard is what will bring you good things in life and remember hard work is mostly fun unless you perceive the word hard as anything else other than the path to feeling great about yourself.

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The word gift means that you're given something for nothing. It is a blessing that requires no work, and you don't have to earn it. It is simply a gift. Talent is a gift!

When people are gifted in any field, whether it be in sport, acting, plumber, electrician, looks, anything that we value in any field, it has been freely given to us and most of us are talented at something, often not that noticeable like a great parent or a person of great empathy that make others feel good.

This is not something to be proud of. This is something to be grateful for and this is what the myth of talent is, when people feel in some way that they're entitled to do well, admired or respected just because they are talented and gifted. No. Talent is only the starting point! How hard we work, the way we go about honing our skills to enhance the talent and what we build on top of the talent is what we can be proud of, because this is the work that we've put in to honour the talent that we've been given.

Talent does not determine whether we make it or not. It is an element of helping us get higher than we might have done with less talent. It is work, dedication and resilience that determine whether we make something of our talent. The world is full of people with talent. Every single person pretty much has something that they're good at, so why do some succeed and others not? It is simply because they are willing to go through the disappointments willing to learn and improve on their talent. So it's a myth that we need oodles of talent to make it in life.

It is work ethic and actions that is the final determinant as to how well we do in life. Sure, when the most gifted work the hardest, they become superstars. It's an amazing gift that they've been given but the rewards that they earn is because of the incredible work that they've put in in order to exploit that talent to its highest abilities.

Thanks for listening and get out there and happily do the work and see where it gets you because the most important thing is that you enjoy the fruits of what you earn from nurturing your own talents. Happy to work hard is what will bring you good things in life and remember hard work is mostly fun unless you perceive the word hard as anything else other than the path to feeling great about yourself.

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