Previous Episode: The danger of high goals
Next Episode: We are all weird

Our life is predominantly in our own heads and because of everyday tasks and interactions we easily forget how much choice we have. There are things in life that we have to live through that are not our choice and whilst we can’t choose our initial emotional reaction we can choose and manage our subsequent actions and attitude towards what happens. 
We have to guard against saying we have to or need to do things when mostly it is what we are choosing to do. There is not much that we have to do without choice. 
There are two stories of mental cages. There was an elephant…. and the fleas. 
Freedom is vigilance to make sure we have not created our own gaol or limitations in our mind, to keep reminding ourselves of the limitless choices we have. 
You may find it helpful to nail down Fear and clear out all unhelpful doubts and fears that limit your ability to choose wisely. 
We can’t overcome fears that are a moving target. Nail them down. Describe and write down exactly what your fears or doubts are and listen to my previous podcast on fear. 
Doubt is usually healthy because the bigger the doubt usually indicates larger tasks or goals and normal to doubt managing something we have not done before. The choice is always ours as to whether we attempt to go for something! We equally choose to talk ourselves out of things by using excuses like time or not ready or too young, old, unfit and any infinite ideas we invent. 
I think today with phones, consoles, and computers more and more of our life is an analysis of what we imagine others think and how we imagine the moods of others based on text and messages causing often unwarranted anxiety and stress rather than calling the person and clarifying what they really meant. 
Altogether so much mental energy goes out on speculation and assumptions. We forget we have a choice to chuck out most of the stuff in our heads. Try vacuum your mind periodically on a walk, run or meditation. Often ask the question - is this real or am I assuming something? 
Why do we care so much? If we are a good person with good intentions what others think is none of our business. Apart from the people who truly care about us where we need to take emotional care and go the extra mile to carefully consider where we are with them we still need to analyse if what is being asked or done to us is warranted - the rest is just noise.
In summary ask often if what you are doing is really what you are choosing or is it to fit in or through habit, a gaol of our own making. 
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Our life is predominantly in our own heads and because of everyday tasks and interactions we easily forget how much choice we have. There are things in life that we have to live through that are not our choice and whilst we can’t choose our initial emotional reaction we can choose and manage our subsequent actions and attitude towards what happens. 

We have to guard against saying we have to or need to do things when mostly it is what we are choosing to do. There is not much that we have to do without choice. 

There are two stories of mental cages. There was an elephant…. and the fleas. 

Freedom is vigilance to make sure we have not created our own gaol or limitations in our mind, to keep reminding ourselves of the limitless choices we have. 

You may find it helpful to nail down Fear and clear out all unhelpful doubts and fears that limit your ability to choose wisely. 

We can’t overcome fears that are a moving target. Nail them down. Describe and write down exactly what your fears or doubts are and listen to my previous podcast on fear. 

Doubt is usually healthy because the bigger the doubt usually indicates larger tasks or goals and normal to doubt managing something we have not done before. The choice is always ours as to whether we attempt to go for something! We equally choose to talk ourselves out of things by using excuses like time or not ready or too young, old, unfit and any infinite ideas we invent. 

I think today with phones, consoles, and computers more and more of our life is an analysis of what we imagine others think and how we imagine the moods of others based on text and messages causing often unwarranted anxiety and stress rather than calling the person and clarifying what they really meant. 

Altogether so much mental energy goes out on speculation and assumptions. We forget we have a choice to chuck out most of the stuff in our heads. Try vacuum your mind periodically on a walk, run or meditation. Often ask the question - is this real or am I assuming something? 

Why do we care so much? If we are a good person with good intentions what others think is none of our business. Apart from the people who truly care about us where we need to take emotional care and go the extra mile to carefully consider where we are with them we still need to analyse if what is being asked or done to us is warranted - the rest is just noise.

In summary ask often if what you are doing is really what you are choosing or is it to fit in or through habit, a gaol of our own making. 

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