I can’t think of a better way to start a podcast than with a quote from one of, if not the greatest mind in history.
"The only real valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein
We all need to learn to listen to their inner alarm system often referred to as intuition or gut instinct. We are all aware of the little inner alarm that makes us uneasy about a situation or person. The reasons we give for too often ignoring this feeling are:
o The need to fit in and be part of something (peer pressure)
o Seduced by a person, situation, or place
o Want a certain outcome so badly and ignore the warning signs and the feelings of “this is wrong” in the hope that it will turn out all right.
An example of this was my wife and I falling for a timeshare in Florida -> the idea of this idyllic place on the beach where we could come whenever we wanted for cheap and make money the rest of the year seemed an amazing deal. Our desire to see it work overrode a niggle in my brain saying “if its too good to be true, then it is” so we signed up. Luckily before the 14-day cooling off period ended I had done the math and it wasn’t great, so we asked to cancel and get our deposit back. They offered a better deal which annoyed me because I was told we had the best deal available originally further proving my intuition right. The hassle we went thru to get our deposit back was exceptional and wasted a couple days of our holiday – if only I had listened to my instinct all of that would have been avoided.

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I can’t think of a better way to start a podcast than with a quote from one of, if not the greatest mind in history.

"The only real valuable thing is intuition." Albert Einstein


We all need to learn to listen to their inner alarm system often referred to as intuition or gut instinct. We are all aware of the little inner alarm that makes us uneasy about a situation or person. The reasons we give for too often ignoring this feeling are:

o The need to fit in and be part of something (peer pressure)

o Seduced by a person, situation, or place

o Want a certain outcome so badly and ignore the warning signs and the feelings of “this is wrong” in the hope that it will turn out all right.

An example of this was my wife and I falling for a timeshare in Florida -> the idea of this idyllic place on the beach where we could come whenever we wanted for cheap and make money the rest of the year seemed an amazing deal. Our desire to see it work overrode a niggle in my brain saying “if its too good to be true, then it is” so we signed up. Luckily before the 14-day cooling off period ended I had done the math and it wasn’t great, so we asked to cancel and get our deposit back. They offered a better deal which annoyed me because I was told we had the best deal available originally further proving my intuition right. The hassle we went thru to get our deposit back was exceptional and wasted a couple days of our holiday – if only I had listened to my instinct all of that would have been avoided.

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