Bloody emotions!
Today's episode comes to you courtesy of Justin who lives in America. He's wanting some advice on how to manage his emotions under pressure. Whether it's playing his club tennis, or just sometimes in life when things seem to be building up, he feels like it's very difficult for him to manage his emotions and sometimes on the tennis court it results in outbursts of anger or frustration. Thanks to Justin as I'm grateful for any topic suggestions. 
There was a very interesting story I once heard about a gentleman and his wife standing in line to buy tickets to see a show in the theatre, which was very popular. And the line was pretty long and moving slowly. They were just three from getting tickets when a man pushed in in front of them. Naturally his blood was boiling and he's just about to take him on when he noticed that the guy was wearing dark sunglasses and had a white stick and immediately the anger and the boiling desire to take this guy on disappeared as he probably doesn't even know that he's pushed in the line. He became sympathetic and was about to offer to gift him a ticket when guy behind him suddenly said, “Oh, wow, he's done it again, this guy is not blind. He always uses this trick to cut lines. Immediately the chap was absolutely fuming again and ready to take the fake blind man to task. So, within the space of a minute, he went from being extremely angry to calm and empathetic to blood boiling again.
How you interpret a situation can take us from blood boiling, to calm to upset again. This means that when anything happens, there is a short window where we have a choice in how we're going to react and to try and evaluate a situation to deal with it in the best way possible.
Managing your emotions, really comes down to how well you manage that space between what happens, and the immediate emotion felt…… to deciding how you're going to react to it. We cannot control our emotions we can only train them to be less severe.
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Bloody emotions!

Today's episode comes to you courtesy of Justin who lives in America. He's wanting some advice on how to manage his emotions under pressure. Whether it's playing his club tennis, or just sometimes in life when things seem to be building up, he feels like it's very difficult for him to manage his emotions and sometimes on the tennis court it results in outbursts of anger or frustration. Thanks to Justin as I'm grateful for any topic suggestions. 

There was a very interesting story I once heard about a gentleman and his wife standing in line to buy tickets to see a show in the theatre, which was very popular. And the line was pretty long and moving slowly. They were just three from getting tickets when a man pushed in in front of them. Naturally his blood was boiling and he's just about to take him on when he noticed that the guy was wearing dark sunglasses and had a white stick and immediately the anger and the boiling desire to take this guy on disappeared as he probably doesn't even know that he's pushed in the line. He became sympathetic and was about to offer to gift him a ticket when guy behind him suddenly said, “Oh, wow, he's done it again, this guy is not blind. He always uses this trick to cut lines. Immediately the chap was absolutely fuming again and ready to take the fake blind man to task. So, within the space of a minute, he went from being extremely angry to calm and empathetic to blood boiling again.

How you interpret a situation can take us from blood boiling, to calm to upset again. This means that when anything happens, there is a short window where we have a choice in how we're going to react and to try and evaluate a situation to deal with it in the best way possible.

Managing your emotions, really comes down to how well you manage that space between what happens, and the immediate emotion felt…… to deciding how you're going to react to it. We cannot control our emotions we can only train them to be less severe.

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