
Things Are Happening (Dave and Dan 'cast 12)

April 28, 2024 19:42

OK, look, it's been a while. That is completely my fault, not Daniil's.  Oh and COVID, it's also COVID's fault.  (We were going to record in December and then I got COVID). So, Dan has had a full academic year teaching in Canada. Putin got 'reelected'. Navalny was killed. In good news, the aid is now moving again into Ukraine! Heck, they used ATACMS missiles the night Biden signed the billl. As an aside, does anyone make up backronyms better than the US military? We talked some about...

One Year Later (Dave and Dan 'cast 11)

August 07, 2023 19:48

Yes i know it has been a long time. Really, you could say that it's been a long time, getting from there to here. Dan and I talked about his impressions of Canada and how things have gone in the past year. He''s dealt with the healthcare system, the school system, he's taught at a Canadian university and a college. We also of course talked about what's up in Ukraine. If you want to help out, help out. How? well, there's the Red Cross, UNCR and UNICEF.

Eating the Wrong Ice Cream in Siberia (Dave and Dan 'cast 10)

October 16, 2022 20:01

Dan in a scary hatSeriously, one day I''ll get us a website. Dan and I are back talking about the war. Speicifcally, what do we expect to happen when this thing ends? How will it end? Have you given money to the people of Ukraine yet?  Daniil has, I have, you should too. Oh, how do you do that?  Well, there's the Red Cross, UNCR and UNICEF.  

Six Months (Dan and Dan 'Cast 09)

August 24, 2022 19:31

It's the six month anniversary of Putin's illegal attack on Ukraine. So, we thought we'd talk about that a bit. Would visa denials to Russians work?  (We have different ideas here). How would Putin be overthrown? Have you given money to the people of Ukraine yet?  Daniil has, I have, you should too. Oh, how do you do that?  Well, there's the Red Cross, UNCR and UNICEF.

Six Months (Dave and Dan 'Cast 09)

August 24, 2022 19:31

It's the six month anniversary of Putin's illegal attack on Ukraine. So, we thought we'd talk about that a bit. Would visa denials to Russians work?  (We have different ideas here). How would Putin be overthrown? Have you given money to the people of Ukraine yet?  Daniil has, I have, you should too. Oh, how do you do that?  Well, there's the Red Cross, UNCR and UNICEF.

Northern Korea (Dave and Dan 'cast 08)

June 13, 2022 18:56

Hey everyone.  After a one week hiatus, My Nuremberg is back. In this episode Daniil and I discuss what will happen after the war ends, which it must at some point. Im probably a bit more optimistic than Dan is, Dan would tell me that is because he's Russian. His scenario is probably right though.  Russia will end up being somewhere between North Korea and Iran. The weird thing is, people there might just accept it.  For a time anyway. I learned the word for school in Russian. Please ...

ReStalinization (Dave and Dan 'cast 07)

May 24, 2022 18:50

We're back with greetings from Sault Ste. Marie, Yerevan, and points beyond. We talked about national myths. We talked abotu propoganda. We talked about looking forward vs. looking back. I learned the word for bird in Russian. Please give to the UNHCR and/or the Red Cross.

There Will Be No Cats in America (Dave and Dan 'Cast 06)

May 16, 2022 18:57

We're back! Don't ddrink vodka mixed with anything. Don't drinkBloody Caesers. We talked about Russia's COVID response. We talked abotu propoganda and its impact on Russian views of the world. I learned the word clock, which has crazy sounds in it that don't bellong in words. Please give to the UNHCR and/or the Red Cross.

Real Sausages and Cheese (Dave and Dan 'cast 05)

May 10, 2022 19:01

Yeah yeah, we'll get a webiste, I swear. More freewheeling today, looking at Daniil's decision to leave Putin's Russia. Why Canada? Oh I learned to say 'bicycle' in Russian.  Apparently my accent needs a lot of work. There are no rules in Russia, this is done on purpose. Please give to the UNHCR and/or the Red Cross.

Don't Command Me, Do Something For Me (Dave and Dan 'cast 04)

May 02, 2022 18:24

Look, I'l eventually get us our own website.... In this episode we talk about three major events in Russia in 2014.  Dan taught me a new word!  (I'm going to learn one Russian word per show, I should be fluent before 2050). Please give to the UNHCR and/or the Red Cross.    

Doomed to Progress (Dave and Dan 'cast 03)

April 25, 2022 19:07

Yerevan and Sault Ste. Marie connected again today.  I wonder, was anyone else from here talking to someone from there today?   Today Dan and I talked about the Medvedev years, and I struggled to proberly pronounce his name.   Dan promises to teach me a little Russian once he is allowed to come to Canada. We seem to have nailed down when I would leave, and it's the Georgia war. I plugged my twitter handle, while Dan said 'please be attentive to politics' which, really, is better than me p...

You Flush The Toilet and Everything Goes Away (Dave and Dan 'Cast 02)

April 11, 2022 18:18

In this episode we explore further the rise of Putin and how he was viewed by the average Russian. We alsoo continue to figure out when I would leave a country like this. We talk generally about the incremental removal of what civil liberties and society Russia had under Putin. Please give to organizations that will help Ukrainian refugees, including the Red Cross and the UNHCR.    

A Russian and a Canadian Psychologist Walk Into a Bar

April 01, 2022 15:09

No this isn't really a DaveSoloThing.  However, I needed a place to put this.  Also, this was not recorded in a bar.  It's not a bad title though right? We'll probably eventually go with a variation on 'My Nuremberg' which is Dan's idea. This is a new podcast project that I will be doing with a freind Dan, a fellow PhD in psychology from Russia.  He and his family are no longer in Russia (thankfully) and we decided to speak a bit about the current situation. We urge you to give to any cha...

Episode 45 - Resilience

April 30, 2021 12:27 - 12.2 MB

This is a little goodbye note to my students for this year.  I am proud of you, and more importantly, you should be proud of yourselves.  See you in 2022.  

Episode 44 - Promotion

December 11, 2020 16:33 - 21.5 MB

So, I am now (ok not officially until July 1) a full professor.  I thought I'd explain a bit as to what that actually means.   Thanks to everyone for the kind words.

Episode 43 - Next

April 01, 2020 21:35 - 11.7 MB

Well, we're in the midst of a pandemic. Also, I broke my leg. So, I didn't get to give my little farewell speech to my classes.  Our academic Dean suggested I podcast my speech.  Done.  

Episode 42 - Yooper

August 18, 2019 22:00 - 13.2 MB

So we just got back from visiting Mike and Chris Musiel. On the first night Mike and I (mostly Mike.....) went and installed some sort of microwave wifi access points.  At 10 pm.  In the dark.  In a park.   We did this (again, mostly Mike, I held a flashlight and asked dumb questions) because there was an event coming up in the park the next day. You can see Mike doing this in the accompanying picture.  I was asking dumb questions.  I thought hell, let's record them!  

Episode 41 - Ken

June 11, 2019 18:12 - 7.88 MB

  Wow, I haven't done one of these in a year. As many of you probably know, my buddy Ken Hernden, my Tangential Convergence cohost, is leaving Algoma University for a shiny new job at Queen's. Well, today there was a thing for him and I spoke for about five mintues.  Also, I messed up the scene Isabelle and I did. Good luck Ken.  You will be missed.  

Episode 40 - Bourdain

June 12, 2018 18:46

God damn it. I normally don't get that bent out of shape by celebrity deaths, but Anthony Bourdain's hit me hard.  I think it was because he didn't actually seem like a celbrity, but just a guy. Anyway, here are my thoughts. I don't know if they are coherent or not, and frankly, I don't care.        

Episode 39 - Quiet

December 01, 2016 05:01 - 11.3 MB

For Canadian National Day of Podcasting or #CNDOP I talk a bit about people butting in to places where they aren't really welcome just to show how freaking clever they are.  

Episode 38 - Bob

November 11, 2016 20:08

I lost a very close friend today.  I had to do something, and that something usually is me recording something or other.    

Episode 37 - Behaviour

July 10, 2016 00:31 - 5.56 MB

Some live podcasting musings.  Enjoy    

Episode 36 - Fire

May 08, 2016 00:44 - 11.8 MB

A little something on the Fort McMurray situation.  A couple of little somethings actually. Enjoy

Episode 35 - Men

April 22, 2016 19:31 - 18.3 MB

In this one I talk about the two guys who had more influence on me than any other man except my father.  Duncan and Daniel.  I miss you boys.  Second row from the bottom, left, that's Dan, second from the right on the bottom, that's Duncan We may have been drinking Listen    

Episode 34 - Across

February 16, 2016 01:35 - 8.12 MB

Wherein I try to figure out why people here are so obsessed with going to the States for stuff. Enjoy.  

Episode 33 - Age

January 16, 2016 21:20

So, can you get 'too old' for something?  No, no you can't. Listen.