It was a popcorn, appointment tuning event for political wonks, (Present!:) across the United States and around the world. What would we learn about the January 6, 2021 insurrection on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C.? Not much really.  Sure there was more graphic detail offered in testimony from security officials and police officers who faced the mob that day. And yes, we heard testimony from members of Trump's team saying there was no evidence of election fraud in 2020. Even Ivanka Trump told the committee she believed former Attorney General Bill Barr's assessment, i.e., Trump lost fair and square. He went so far as to say Trump's claims were "bullshit". So what?  Who's hearts and minds were changed by the prime time show? David Schultz is a Distinguished Professor of political science at Hamline University in Minnesota. He says the Department of Justice and the GOP elites will be two key audiences as these committee hearing play out live in front of the cameras. Both could spell jeopardy for Donald Trump.