I know, I know we're seeing high community transmission of the latest Omicron variant and that's just a signal that this ain't over yet - by a long shot. AND it's also a sign that we're leearning to live with the beast. I understand why some among us are "clutching their pearls", as John Moore would put it. That's become something of a reflexive reaction. On the other hand, I believe we are witnessing the resilience we have developed over the course of the past two years. We're finally at a stage in this mess when we know and understand it is highly unlikely any of us will NOT contract COVID. And we know we MUST continue our business, our education, our recreation, our entertainment even in the face of the COVID "threat". So, this edition of the Daily Brief touches on a range of issues, all under the umbrella notion of living with COVID in the COVID era. That includes getting back to in person classes, in person socializing, in person baseball games (Go JAYS!)