Today on the Daily Brief, we mark the second anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic with our On The Ledge crew noting some school boards intend to extend the mask mandate for students. It's also two years and a few days since Steven Del Duca became the Liberal leader in Ontario and this week marks the fourth anniversary of Doug Ford's ascendancy to the PC leadership. Just so happens to be the same week Patrick Brown and CTV News settled an $8 million dollar lawsuit. Brown alledged CTV defamed him by inaccurately reporting he was involved in inappropriate sexual relationships with two women. The scandal caused Brown to lose his job as leader of the Ontario Progressive Conservatives. CTV issued a statement reading in part: “On Jan. 24, 2018, four months before a provincial election, CTV broadcast a segment concerning Patrick Brown. Key details provided to CTV for the story were factually incorrect and required correction,...CTV National News regrets including those details in the story and any harm this may have caused to Mr. Brown.”