This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Meg Casebolt. Meg is the founder of Love at First Search, a unique firm focused on search marketing.

Meg started out as a marketing director for an architecture firm. It didn’t take her long to realize the low pay combined with the unrealistically high expectations was not the life she wanted. She started doing web design and SEO on the side and was able to leave starting her own business. But, as she took maternity leave for the birth of one of her children, she found herself stressed trying to keep up with the marketing and social media promotion for her own business. She took time off to re-evaluate, but much to her surprise, leads continued rolling in.

It was at this point that Meg realized how she could set up her business to market for her and cut her time in half while still producing 6-figures plus.

When I learned this about her, I had to ask her on the show. I mean who wouldn’t want to implement strategies that drive new business to their business allowing them to cut their time down and focus on serving clients? I’m excited for Meg to share how businesses can do just this!

To see the full show notes and Misfit 3 for this episode, go to 

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