This week’s Misfit Entrepreneur is Rob Cressy. You have probably heard of Rob, either from his top-rated podcast, Best Year Ever, or maybe have even seen him speak. Rob is an entrepreneur, prolific creator, and mastery coach. He is known as the happiest person earth. For over a decade, Rob has helped millions of people through his messages, businesses, podcasts, and content.

He is one of the best in helping people learn self-mastery and unlocking the next level of possibility for themselves in their lives and business.

If you listened to this show for a little while, you know how much I love to talk about the topics of mindset, reaching our true potential, and breaking the limits of our own human performance - so I’m excited to get into all of this in this episode.

Rob was deliberate in his path and designed where he wanted to go, but that is not how it started. When he graduated college, his dream was to work in ad agency in marketing, but found himself unemployed for 18 months, dead-broke living off credit cards. He finally got a job 5/3 Bank in a call center selling home equity loans making $10/hr. It was the complete opposite of where he wanted to go or be. For the next 10 years, he was in inside sales and was good at it, but not happy. He looked at his life and did not want the next 10 years to be at all like the last 10 – so he gave his dreams a shot. He went all in on himself as a creator and coach.

Two things happened. He became self-aware and he adopted a growth mindset. He realized that every day is an opportunity to make that day better than yesterday and that he was in control of his thoughts to his actions.

Let’s start with the foundation. You have 8 core values. Take us through them.

Core values are the epitome of who you are. Without them, how can you know how to live your life? Rob’s 8 core values: Radiate positivity Always learning Extreme ownership Yes, and… Live in action Be relentless Do what’s right Talk with candor

This tells people how Rob will show up. How did you narrow down these 8?

He decided what he wanted live into. Each value is something he lives every day. You have to brainstorm what is foundational to who you are? What is really important? This is how you find them. Core Values are DNA – you shouldn’t have to think about them. They are who you are.

Explain what it means to create the right mindset and how people can become their best…

It is a “get to” not a “have to.” We all get to control the story that we tell ourselves. When we wake up in the morning, what do we tell ourselves? What are we thinking? We live in a world that is designed to put other people’s thoughts and actions in your mind. Email, News, TV, Netflix, Social Media, etc. are all someone else’s agenda. This is default. But we must live by design, not by default. Every day, you get to show up as the best version of yourself. To do it you must have your core values and then you must decide the story you are going to tell yourself from the moment you wake up every day.

At the 11 min mark, Rob gives an analogy of booting up a computer as it relates to your mindset.

Every single day, you can boot up to your best version. The story you tell yourself will create your actions and your actions will create your results. It is the discipline to do this every day.

What do you personally do to boot yourself up each day?

You must be intentional. 1 action is better than taking 0 actions. Change can happen one moment at a time. The way you start your day sets the tone for how the rest will go. Rob starts out by speaking “Today is going to be a great day.” While Rob brushes his teeth (trigger), he thinks of 3 things he is grateful thankful for. Next he reads for 30 mins first thing in the morning. For Rob this is game changing, and he has done it for over a decade. The average CEO reads 60 books a year. Success leaves clues – follow them.

Self-talk how do we use it to persist and power through…

“I am that I never get tired.” Speak what you are into existence. Control your thoughts and mind. Rob has a document of what he is that speaks out loud every day. Examples include “I am infinite love.” “I am fearless…” “I am a champion for everyone” Self-limiting beliefs, fears, etc. will happen, but is our job through our routine and habits to prepare ourselves to overcome them through designing who we are.

Explain what it means to turn desires/judgement into gold…

So many have self-limiting beliefs, and it is inevitable that there will be obstacles. We must design ourselves to be a person that overcomes adversity. Turn your fears, judgement, or obstacles into gold through using them as an opportunity to become better. Doing this becomes part of your story. It comes from being self-ware to recognize when these things are happening and change our self-talk to be what we are and who we are to overcome the obstacle, fear, judgment, etc.

At the 27 min mark, Rob talks about doing what you love and why it is a secret ingredient.

We have the ability to create in our lives, but very few tap into this power. Remember, “No means yes.” When your mind is telling you no and you meet resistance internally, that is the time to push through and say yes.

What does it mean to be a prolific creator?

Every single day, the second thing Rob states is “I am constant creation of who I am.” It is internal and external. You create who you want to be on the inside and then have the vision to create what you are and what you want externally.

Why are habits and routines so important and what are some of the most important one’s people should have to level up?

If you are going to design your life and success, you must be consistent. Showing up as your best self every day requires a set of routines done day in and day out. 4 must have routines: Morning routine: Be in control of how you start your day. Evening routine: Tomorrow’s success starts today. Write down your wins for the day and visualize your success. Planning your day ahead is also a key element. Reading routine: 30 mins a day Shower routine: Things you do every day that can be a trigger to design growth. A shower is one of those. Brushing your teeth, etc. What can you do during these everyday routines to help yourself?

Bachelor party sponsored by Nascar?

Rob got married when he was in his early 30’s and wanted to be creative for his bachelor party. At the time, he was in the sports business and had a contact a Nascar. He thought it would be great to do his bachelor party with Nascar and he pitched it as idea to show how fun and accessible Nascar is to the average sports fan. They loved it. Rob and 15 guys went to the Coca Cola 600 with VIP treatment. He documented everything as the day went and it was a great experience for him and Nascar.


Best Quote: We all get to control the story that we tell ourselves. You must decide the story you are going to tell yourself from the moment you wake up every day.


Rob's Misfit 3:

What is the first thought you have that you design every day? The first thing you say every day helps determine your day. What is something new you are adding to your life? Newness is where life comes from. Ask yourself, what is your default relationship to time story? Most people think about time and come from a place of “lack of time.” Create a new story of relationship to time.


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