This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: automated swarms, automated chefs, and automated kill chains.


Gunnar declares Clash of Clans and DomiNations horrible disappointments
You’d think they’d be air gapped: Hackers Could Commandeer New Planes Through Passenger Wi-Fi
Star Trek update

It is indeed the Klingon High Council
Klingon coming soon to Duolingo!

“BioBot” Roaches Could Save Lives With Tiny Backpacks

Just a regular day at the office: Intel CEO controls a swarm of robot spiders with gestures
Runaway movie

D&G Joke Kit of the Week: Soylent Blue? Fancy a tasty byte? Cookbook written by supercomputer

Probably safer with Fresh Food Fast, courtesy of Gunnar’s wife.

Facebook holds the largest private collection of biometric data
Twitter moves non-US accounts to Ireland away from the NSA
Google “find my phone

The classic Android Device Manager also still works

Dave is back in Military Embedded Systems: COTS software challenges in the military electronics market
“Hey everyone, look  at me running Oracle on RHEL6 on RHEL7 using Docker.”
BPM 6.1, BRMS 6.1 are out, announcement coming April 21st
Common Criteria announced for JBoss EAP 6.2! EAL 4+
Labocki strikes! A beautiful RHCI architecture overview
Red Hat Customer Portal answers in Google search results
Ceph works. Just ask Yahoo.
General Cartwright on organizational agility and culture change

Cutting Room Floor

Stephen Hawking Sings Monty Python… Galaxy Song
What if Pixar Made Furious 7?
Washington DC Gothic

We Give Thanks

JP Sherman for helping us stay authoritative!

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: automated swarms, automated chefs, and automated kill chains.


Gunnar declares Clash of Clans and DomiNations horrible disappointments
You’d think they’d be air gapped: Hackers Could Commandeer New Planes Through Passenger Wi-Fi
Star Trek update

It is indeed the Klingon High Council
Klingon coming soon to Duolingo!

“BioBot” Roaches Could Save Lives With Tiny Backpacks

Just a regular day at the office: Intel CEO controls a swarm of robot spiders with gestures
Runaway movie

D&G Joke Kit of the Week: Soylent Blue? Fancy a tasty byte? Cookbook written by supercomputer

Probably safer with Fresh Food Fast, courtesy of Gunnar’s wife.

Facebook holds the largest private collection of biometric data

Twitter moves non-US accounts to Ireland away from the NSA

Google “find my phone

The classic Android Device Manager also still works

Dave is back in Military Embedded Systems: COTS software challenges in the military electronics market

“Hey everyone, look  at me running Oracle on RHEL6 on RHEL7 using Docker.”

BPM 6.1, BRMS 6.1 are out, announcement coming April 21st

Common Criteria announced for JBoss EAP 6.2! EAL 4+

Labocki strikes! A beautiful RHCI architecture overview

Red Hat Customer Portal answers in Google search results

Ceph works. Just ask Yahoo.

General Cartwright on organizational agility and culture change

Cutting Room Floor

Stephen Hawking Sings Monty Python… Galaxy Song
What if Pixar Made Furious 7?
Washington DC Gothic

We Give Thanks

JP Sherman for helping us stay authoritative!

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