This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about: spying, conspiracy theories, boxing and calculus in Ohio, Klingons in Illinois, the return of Nirmal, a ball peen update, and LUG parenting teachable moments.

Subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

Never trust a man with a mustache.

Don King‘s Ohio training compound is close to Mike Tyson‘s Ohio abandoned mansion with tiger cages in Trumbull, OH
Indian Government To Ban Use of US Email Services For Official Communications
Google Facebook privacy disappointment of the week: Facebook To Overhaul Data Use Policy
Sponsorship opportunity #1: Gunnar Advanced Computer Eyewear
Life imitating art? From 2011: The Onion: Facebook “Is Truly A Dream Come True For The CIA”
NSA compromised crypto standards?
Tencent is giving away 10 TB worth of free cloud storage, Baidu and Qihoo 360 offer 1 TB
Bruce Schneier on conspiracy theories
“Secrets belong to a small assortment of individuals, and inevitably become hostage to private agendas.” — Malcolm Gladwell
Watch Ask a Korean dismantle Malcolm Gladwell
Praveen Swami in 2010: Wikileaks ‘secrets’ reveal the paranoid mindset of internet activists obsessed with conspiracies
There’s always HavenCo

Gunnar’s friend Evan Rose built the Sealand and HavenCo websites back in the day!
Evan in hindsight: “Holy sh*tsnacks, that’s ugly”

Career advice PSA: Public cloud salesmen should not flock to be smart watch salesmen
OhioState’s calculus MOOC is on GitHub

Jim Fowler makes Dave want to take calculus again

Dave presenting via web with David A. Wheeler and Josh Davis at GovLoop Government Innovators Virtual Summit on September 10
Gunnar keynotes NC DataPalooza on September 12
Dave receiving AFCEA DC AFCEAN of the Month award at AFCEA DC’s Monthly Luncheon on September 16
Dave as panelist at GovLoop Agency of the Future on September 17
Gunnar presenting at NIST Cloud Computing and Mobility workshop on October 1-3
Dave as panelist at Symantec Government Symposium on October 2
Gartner ITxpo on October 6-10
Red Hat Government Symposium registration now open!
Illinois Government Website Offers Klingon Translation, but not Vulcan

Related: Star Trek III is back on Netflix streaming but Dave and Lauren don’t see the Klingon or Vulcan subtitle options on our Roku

Movie of the week: There Will Be Blood
A Partner We Like: Booz Allen Hamilton’s US Army Red Hat Summit Innovation Award video and success story are now live!
Concerning trend: First the NFL, now IT suffers from the consequences repeated head trauma
Sponsorship opportunity #2: The Economist app is amazing: articles in their distinctive font, and podcasting all rolled into one
Sponsorship opportunity #3: We learn what “peening” is, and it’s not as inappropriate as you might think, thanks to Trey Oats and Adam Clater
Parenting lesson learned: Don’t be a helicopter LUG parent and let your child find her own presenters

Exhibit A

Cutting Room Floor

Major Says” lives!
Eric Mill of Sunlight posts a how-to for adding HTTPS your website for $0
Mark Bohannon‘s Open Source in Government update

We Give Thanks

Jim Fowler for making math education even more interesting and useful.
Trey Oats and Adam Clater for peening best practices.
Mel McGee for answering Lauren’s call to present on wearable computing at the Akron LUG!

This week, Dave and Gunnar talk about: spying, conspiracy theories, boxing and calculus in Ohio, Klingons in Illinois, the return of Nirmal, a ball peen update, and LUG parenting teachable moments.

Subscribe via RSS or iTunes.

Never trust a man with a mustache.

Don King‘s Ohio training compound is close to Mike Tyson‘s Ohio abandoned mansion with tiger cages in Trumbull, OH
Indian Government To Ban Use of US Email Services For Official Communications
Google Facebook privacy disappointment of the week: Facebook To Overhaul Data Use Policy
Sponsorship opportunity #1: Gunnar Advanced Computer Eyewear
Life imitating art? From 2011: The Onion: Facebook “Is Truly A Dream Come True For The CIA”
NSA compromised crypto standards?
Tencent is giving away 10 TB worth of free cloud storage, Baidu and Qihoo 360 offer 1 TB
Bruce Schneier on conspiracy theories
“Secrets belong to a small assortment of individuals, and inevitably become hostage to private agendas.” — Malcolm Gladwell
Watch Ask a Korean dismantle Malcolm Gladwell
Praveen Swami in 2010: Wikileaks ‘secrets’ reveal the paranoid mindset of internet activists obsessed with conspiracies
There’s always HavenCo

Gunnar’s friend Evan Rose built the Sealand and HavenCo websites back in the day!
Evan in hindsight: “Holy sh*tsnacks, that’s ugly”

Career advice PSA: Public cloud salesmen should not flock to be smart watch salesmen

OhioState’s calculus MOOC is on GitHub

Jim Fowler makes Dave want to take calculus again

Dave presenting via web with David A. Wheeler and Josh Davis at GovLoop Government Innovators Virtual Summit on September 10

Gunnar keynotes NC DataPalooza on September 12

Dave receiving AFCEA DC AFCEAN of the Month award at AFCEA DC’s Monthly Luncheon on September 16

Dave as panelist at GovLoop Agency of the Future on September 17

Gunnar presenting at NIST Cloud Computing and Mobility workshop on October 1-3

Dave as panelist at Symantec Government Symposium on October 2

Gartner ITxpo on October 6-10

Red Hat Government Symposium registration now open!

Illinois Government Website Offers Klingon Translation, but not Vulcan

Related: Star Trek III is back on Netflix streaming but Dave and Lauren don’t see the Klingon or Vulcan subtitle options on our Roku

Movie of the week: There Will Be Blood

A Partner We Like: Booz Allen Hamilton’s US Army Red Hat Summit Innovation Award video and success story are now live!

Concerning trend: First the NFL, now IT suffers from the consequences repeated head trauma

Sponsorship opportunity #2: The Economist app is amazing: articles in their distinctive font, and podcasting all rolled into one

Sponsorship opportunity #3: We learn what “peening” is, and it’s not as inappropriate as you might think, thanks to Trey Oats and Adam Clater

Parenting lesson learned: Don’t be a helicopter LUG parent and let your child find her own presenters

Exhibit A

Cutting Room Floor

Major Says” lives!
Eric Mill of Sunlight posts a how-to for adding HTTPS your website for $0
Mark Bohannon‘s Open Source in Government update

We Give Thanks

Jim Fowler for making math education even more interesting and useful.
Trey Oats and Adam Clater for peening best practices.
Mel McGee for answering Lauren’s call to present on wearable computing at the Akron LUG!

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