This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: iPhones, politics, politics with iPhones; glibc, containers, containers with glibc; Azure, Red Hat, Azure with Red Hat.

Freeblade rules everything around Gunnar
The new Remember The Milk is here!
Speaking of bad product management, Twitter’s algorithmic timeline an object lesson in the relationship between marketing and product management
Instructable: Control a Cockroach with Arduino for under $30
Raspberry Pi repurposed into automated complaining machine

FCC speed test app

Local police wrestle with success of license plate camera system
D&G This Week in Security Through Obscurity

Ashley Madison Offering Profile Photo Masks, Rendering Users Completely Unrecognizable To Their Loved Ones
HT Mrs. Egts: Stick shift foils would-be Cleveland carjackers

Don’t time travel with iOS devices
Apple Encryption “Debate”
Apple Admits Mistake for ‘Error 53’ iPhone Bricking, Offers Fix
D&G Mailbag: Jim Wildman asks for our opinion on Amazon Dash

Hackable: Build your own poop database with Amazon Dash
Install your own code: Dash Hacking: Bare-Metal STM32 Programming

Internet of Things to be used as spy tool by governments: US intel chief

Ghost Fleet

Hacked Toy Company VTech’s TOS Now Says It’s Not Liable for Hacks
Husband learns wife is pregnant from her Fitbit data
HT Kevin Chin and Erich Morisse: The new frontier of voter tracking
He Said He Was An Undecided Iowan Until He Received This Controversial Mailer From Ted Cruz.
4USXUS Is Your One-Stop Shop For Keeping Up With Your Congressional Representatives
Not cool: Hackers demand $3m bitcoin ransom from hospital to unlock vital files
Dave on #OpenOrgChat on February 18 and later this year!
glibc will destroy your containers from the inside
RHEL on Azure
Google and Red Hat announce cloud-based scalable file servers
White House publishes 2016 and 2017 budget on Github and Medium (h/t matt.micene)
Online No One Knows You’re Dead
What’s the Stuff Between the Wafers of a Kit Kat?

Cutting Room Floor

Build your own Arduino-powered virtual reality cycling experience for $40
These LED Lamps Run on Candle Power
Subtitled R2-D2 is Bitterly Sarcastic
Run DOS-era viruses in your web browser with the Internet Archive’s Malware Museum
Internet Archive Does Windows: Hundreds of Windows 3.1 Programs Join the Collection
24 Things You’ll Find In Every Hipster Restaurant
For Sale: Nuclear bunker in Northern Ireland
Epic ‘Frinkiac’ Search Engine Matches Any Simpsons Quote With Its Still
This Boulder Has a Hidden Wi-Fi Router That Needs Fire to Turn On
Snoop Dogg Stars in Burger King Training Video
Robotic limb turns drummer into three-armed musical cyborg
Watch 540 Robots Perform a Synchronized Dance Routine
Poison’s “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” Played By An Actual Rose Bush
Scratch-And-Sniff Posters Help Mask the Smells of NYC Subways
How to Spam People via Telegram, According to a 1928 Handbook
Nigerian astronaut lost in space needs $3m to get home – could be a scam
Space travel posters from JPL
The National Archives Has Released a Coloring Book of Retro Patents
So, Dutch Cops Are Teaching Majestic Eagles to Hunt Drones
Man’s best friend for conference calls
Scalia wordplay is fun. (h/t ghelleks)
now I’m fascinated by the idea of machine pareidolia (h/t matt.micene)
How am I just now learning about the Falkirk Wheel? (h/t ghelleks)
To solve my OPM grievances, I’m securing the services of this attorney. (h/t ghelleks)
5 Ways Companies Manufacture Happiness (h/t davidegts)
Are these the permissions that you would expect from a emoji keyboard? (h/t uzoma)
“We can safely assume that people sharing an Ubuntu docker based container know and trust one another, and their use of Ubuntu is explicitly covered as personal use in our policy.” (h/t matt.micene)


We Give Thanks

The D&G Show Slack Clubhouse for the discussion topics!
Jim Wildman, Kevin Chin, Mrs. Egts and  for the mailbag items!

This week Dave and Gunnar talk about: iPhones, politics, politics with iPhones; glibc, containers, containers with glibc; Azure, Red Hat, Azure with Red Hat.

Freeblade rules everything around Gunnar
The new Remember The Milk is here!
Speaking of bad product management, Twitter’s algorithmic timeline an object lesson in the relationship between marketing and product management
Instructable: Control a Cockroach with Arduino for under $30
Raspberry Pi repurposed into automated complaining machine

FCC speed test app

Local police wrestle with success of license plate camera system

D&G This Week in Security Through Obscurity

Ashley Madison Offering Profile Photo Masks, Rendering Users Completely Unrecognizable To Their Loved Ones
HT Mrs. Egts: Stick shift foils would-be Cleveland carjackers

Don’t time travel with iOS devices

Apple Encryption “Debate”

Apple Admits Mistake for ‘Error 53’ iPhone Bricking, Offers Fix

D&G Mailbag: Jim Wildman asks for our opinion on Amazon Dash

Hackable: Build your own poop database with Amazon Dash
Install your own code: Dash Hacking: Bare-Metal STM32 Programming

Internet of Things to be used as spy tool by governments: US intel chief

Ghost Fleet

Hacked Toy Company VTech’s TOS Now Says It’s Not Liable for Hacks

Husband learns wife is pregnant from her Fitbit data

HT Kevin Chin and Erich Morisse: The new frontier of voter tracking

He Said He Was An Undecided Iowan Until He Received This Controversial Mailer From Ted Cruz.

4USXUS Is Your One-Stop Shop For Keeping Up With Your Congressional Representatives

Not cool: Hackers demand $3m bitcoin ransom from hospital to unlock vital files

Dave on #OpenOrgChat on February 18 and later this year!

glibc will destroy your containers from the inside

RHEL on Azure

Google and Red Hat announce cloud-based scalable file servers

White House publishes 2016 and 2017 budget on Github and Medium (h/t matt.micene)

Online No One Knows You’re Dead

What’s the Stuff Between the Wafers of a Kit Kat?

Cutting Room Floor

Build your own Arduino-powered virtual reality cycling experience for $40
These LED Lamps Run on Candle Power
Subtitled R2-D2 is Bitterly Sarcastic
Run DOS-era viruses in your web browser with the Internet Archive’s Malware Museum
Internet Archive Does Windows: Hundreds of Windows 3.1 Programs Join the Collection
24 Things You’ll Find In Every Hipster Restaurant
For Sale: Nuclear bunker in Northern Ireland
Epic ‘Frinkiac’ Search Engine Matches Any Simpsons Quote With Its Still
This Boulder Has a Hidden Wi-Fi Router That Needs Fire to Turn On
Snoop Dogg Stars in Burger King Training Video
Robotic limb turns drummer into three-armed musical cyborg
Watch 540 Robots Perform a Synchronized Dance Routine
Poison’s “Every Rose Has Its Thorn” Played By An Actual Rose Bush
Scratch-And-Sniff Posters Help Mask the Smells of NYC Subways
How to Spam People via Telegram, According to a 1928 Handbook
Nigerian astronaut lost in space needs $3m to get home – could be a scam
Space travel posters from JPL
The National Archives Has Released a Coloring Book of Retro Patents
So, Dutch Cops Are Teaching Majestic Eagles to Hunt Drones
Man’s best friend for conference calls
Scalia wordplay is fun. (h/t ghelleks)
now I’m fascinated by the idea of machine pareidolia (h/t matt.micene)
How am I just now learning about the Falkirk Wheel? (h/t ghelleks)
To solve my OPM grievances, I’m securing the services of this attorney. (h/t ghelleks)
5 Ways Companies Manufacture Happiness (h/t davidegts)
Are these the permissions that you would expect from a emoji keyboard? (h/t uzoma)
“We can safely assume that people sharing an Ubuntu docker based container know and trust one another, and their use of Ubuntu is explicitly covered as personal use in our policy.” (h/t matt.micene)


We Give Thanks

The D&G Show Slack Clubhouse for the discussion topics!
Jim Wildman, Kevin Chin, Mrs. Egts and  for the mailbag items!

Twitter Mentions