This week Dave talks with Dan Walsh about CRI-O (née OCID) and forking.

“No, I said *skopeo*.”

Running production applications in containers: Introducing OCID by Dan Walsh and  Mrunal Patel
CRI-O Project
Open Container Initiative
Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Maha Shaikh wants to study more on forking
XFree86 vs.
Project Atomic Docker Patches
Forking Docker Not


We Give Thanks

Dan Walsh for being our special guest star!


Special Guest: Dan Walsh.

This week Dave talks with Dan Walsh about CRI-O (née OCID) and forking.

“No, I said *skopeo*.”

Running production applications in containers: Introducing OCID by Dan Walsh and  Mrunal Patel
CRI-O Project
Open Container Initiative
Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Maha Shaikh wants to study more on forking
XFree86 vs.
Project Atomic Docker Patches
Forking Docker Not


We Give Thanks

Dan Walsh for being our special guest star!


Special Guest: Dan Walsh.

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