Okay. I’m not a true Star Wars fan but I must admit; I was quite impressed with the latest film released last week called “The Rise of Skywalker”. It left me in awe after seeing the prophetic signs of the end times and the symbolism of the Father’s heart for His Children throughout this entire movie.

There was death, war, secrets untold, darkness arising in power like never before, people being completely sold out to darkness with an agenda to destroy all that was good in the final hour but through it all there was hope in the hearts of the Jedi’s. Strength was on their side. Unity became a tool they would use to destroy the enemy. True friendship was displayed as they had one another’s back in war. Restoration occurred to the galaxy and newness of life was given to a special someone {Kilo}; the same person who killed his father {Harrison Ford} with the sword out of pure evil. Here’s what blew me away. His father’s love for him was unconditional. He did not hold his death against him. Harrison Ford knew his son was dark, he knew he was tricked and deceived by the dark side at an early age but through his death, His still loved his son. He appeared on a mountain one last time meeting his son with certainty knowing it was time for him to return back home. So much love was in his face while speaking to his son. So much forgiveness in his smile as he touched the face of his son to embrace him in love. His son tried to fight it but it was undeniable, the love of a father overshadowed him and it turned his heart for good. Kilo finally surrendered his heart throwing his sword that held evil powers to the wind, giving it all up to return home. He was now ready to fight against the darkness that once claimed his life.

How awesome is this? How awesome is love? Love held this whole group of people together. Love fought on every side destroying very foundation of the enemy kingdom.

God’s heart is for the prodigals in this season. He’s calling His children home in love, giving them hope, restoring their minds to have the mind of Christ, placing them in their rightful place in the Kingdom of God, making them strong towers that others can run too.

Are you ready to return to the Father? Are you ready to surrender all? Are you ready to fight against the darkness that once claimed you? God is calling you back to Himself. Run to the Father for total and complete restoration. Come home. He’s waiting…Selah