Michelle provides a blueprint for how women can advance to the executive level in corporate America and survive a college engineering program by sharing the story of her rise to leadership in the telecommunications industry which has included addressing the United Nations on communications solutions during global catastrophes. Michelle talks about growing up in Detroit, Michigan and how her upbringing molded her for earning a bachelor's in Electrical Engineering and a master’s in Project Management, then subsequently creating some of the first cellular devices, leading a team to deploy the first broadband technologies to keep first responders safe, and meeting with the NYPD chief of police on the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 to discuss lessons learned and how to improve future telecommunications during a disaster response effort. She begins her story of how she became the family historian and traveled to Macon, Georgia to research her lineage. In the next episode, Part 2, hear about Michelle’s findings and her experience as a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution including her grandmother joining the organization at 99 years old. Read Michelle’s biography at www.daughterdialogues.com/daughters

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