What You’ll Hear In This Episode:

Why do New Year’s resolutions tend to fall apart after just a month or two? If love is supposed to be so fun and magical, why do we need a step by step roadmap to getting it? Won’t that take the spark out? How can you stay accountable to your goals while including your friends and having some fun? What does it mean to have a contract or agreement with yourself? This year how do you really LEARN from every single encounter, especially the not so nice ones? Getting ghosted, no second date, etc. Why do the same things keep happening to you over and over again? Is this doomed to be your cycle forever? How can working with Lisa help you from perpetually spinning your wheels and wasting your time? She’s teach you how to open up your energy to really find love! 

Continue On Your Journey

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Email the podcast at: [email protected]


 The Four Agreements 

Malcolm Gladwell 


“Fail to plan, plan to fail.” “Every single encounter along the way is mirroring and reflecting back to you places where you need to grow.” “If you truly want to find love, you are going to have to have a plan.”

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Lisa Shield| YouTube | Facebook | Instagram | Book a Call with Lisa

Email the podcast at: [email protected]