What You'll Hear In This Episode:

What motivates people to stay in relationships? One thing is that the fear of being alone can cause some people to remain in a relationship, even if it's not fulfilling.Others may not realize their negative or critical behavior hurts the relationship and may think they're offering constructive criticism.Discover how to communicate with men in a way that promotes a safe and open dialogue.Lisa and Benjamin model positive feedback in their own communication with one another.Learning to give positive feedback is crucial for any healthy relationship.It's essential to seek a partner who values kindness, thoughtfulness, and positivity.Remember to set boundaries and don't tolerate disrespectful behavior from men.

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"Convenience is a big reason why people stay in relationships." - Lisa"There's a loving, kind, and considerate way to give someone feedback, and there is a very destructive, mean, and cutting way of giving feedback." - Lisa"Do not let people abuse you, even if what they are saying is true." - Lisa "In the same way that you clean up your house, we keep our relationship clean." - Lisa

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