What You'll Hear In This Episode:

- The use of AI in online dating and its impact on profile verification and safety measures

- The need for background checks and spotting inconsistencies in online profiles

- The excitement and fear surrounding the use of AI in dating

- Difficulty in distinguishing between AI-generated and human-created content

- The prevalence and dangers of scammers using AI to create fake profiles

- Possibility of AI relationship coaching and virtual chat rooms for communication

- Concerns about deep fakes and the difficulty in verifying authenticity in online interactions

- Recommendations for prioritizing in-person meetings and avoiding long-distance relationships


Key quotes:

"There is, on one hand, all the wonderful things that AI is going to do, and then on the other hand, there is a tremendous amount of fear around who's going to be using the AI and will it bring the end of mankind.'" — Lisa Shield“You can have your own AI-powered chat bot filter out unsuitable matches and communicate on your behalf. It's like having a personal assistant for your love life!" — Lisa Shield“AI-powered applications could offer personalized coaching relationships...there's no reason in the world you shouldn't have dating coaches that are AI powered.” — Lisa Shield"If you really want to verify and authenticate if somebody is real, one step in that process is to get off the platform and get on to Zoom or do it on FaceTime on your phone... Scammers can now do what are called deep fakes where they can take a few seconds of you talking and then replicate your voice from it." — Lisa Shield"Do a background check on anybody and everybody you're dating. Look for inconsistencies. If the profile is too perfect, something could be wrong." — Lisa Shield

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