What You'll Hear In This Episode:

- Jessica’s experience utilizing tools and knowledge from coaching to navigate dating experiences

-Jessica’s experience with Lisa’s program as  particularly helpful 

- Using OkCupid and Bumble for dating

- Not taking things personally and avoiding overanalysis

- Empowering women to ask for what they want

- Jessica’s experience being a single mother and struggling during COVID

- Her desire for a partner and modeling healthy relationships for her child

- Tools and knowledge acquired for handling rejection and inappropriate behavior

- Creating a list of criteria for potential partners


Key quotes:

"It was really important to me that I modeled [for my daughter] a healthy relationship and a healthy marriage for her so that hopefully she would have that when she's older." — Jessica"By not taking anything personally, it was just very freeing." — Jessica“If I had not worked with you and I met with challenges dating online,, I would have been so upset, I would have been freaked out. Like, screw men, screw dating, cancel all my accounts on the apps. Like, I'm done with this, right?" — Jessica"Our program works the way it's written, and people just have to follow the process if they're going to get the most out of it." — Lisa Shield"Thinking you know how wat you want and how to choose a healthy partner and and putting it into practice are very different things." — Lisa Shield"I've talked to some friends about your program and everything, and they're like, ‘Why would you spend that much money on that?’ And I said, ‘Well, look at what I've gotten for it. I met a great man that I wouldn't have known how to meet otherwise. Now I have a partner, now my daughter has a father figure.’" — Jessica

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