What You'll Hear In This Episode:

- Personal anecdotes to support holiday socializing as a means to find love

- Advantages of seeking love through dating platforms during the holidays

- Maintaining a positive self-talk and mindset while online dating

- The importance of taking initiative in dating

- The journey to self-appreciation and learning to value men

- Practice and the necessity of cultivating skills for emotional connection at social events

- The transformative experience of practicing emotional connectivity at a party

- Moving away from analytical thinking to emotional presence

- Expanding one's personal limits to prepare for potential relationships

Key quotes:

"It's so important to remember that this can be one of the most social times of the year and one of the best times to get out and meet people, especially to meet new people." — Lisa Shield "It's all how you choose to look at it. You can go into this holiday season feeling sad and feeling badly about being without a partner, or you can choose to see it as an opportunity, right?" — Lisa Shield"I can't change things in the past, but I can change my mindset. I can change my perspective. I can change the story I'm telling myself." — Lisa Shield"An emotional connection is when two people get emotionally naked with one another, and they talk about the kinds of things that a man and a woman would only share with each other in an intimate way." — Lisa Shield "I was trying so hard to be interesting that I wasn't really interested in other people. So the game I would play with myself over the holidays was to go to parties and practice making an emotional connection with men." — Lisa Shield

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