Amy opens up about lesbian pop sensation, Ally Hills, and her new hit single ‘Not Now’. Sharing intimate thoughts from her own dad, internet stars Rose & Rosie and most importantly - her therapist. But the real news is - Jack got fucked over by a friend so he is sad and angry, and angry and sad. Luckily, our guest this week is here to actually help! Trained professional, sexologist and relationship expert Shan Boodram is here to fuck shit up. She spills about her open marriage, gives her best flirting tips and critiques Jack & Amy’s depressing lives. Getting what you want can be scary, but if Shan can bring all the boys to the yard, so can we!

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Amy opens up about lesbian pop sensation, Ally Hills, and her new hit single ‘Not Now’. Sharing intimate thoughts from her own dad, internet stars Rose & Rosie and most importantly - her therapist. But the real news is - Jack got fucked over by a friend so he is sad and angry, and angry and sad. Luckily, our guest this week is here to actually help! Trained professional, sexologist and relationship expert Shan Boodram is here to fuck shit up. She spills about her open marriage, gives her best flirting tips and critiques Jack & Amy’s depressing lives. Getting what you want can be scary, but if Shan can bring all the boys to the yard, so can we!

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