I don't want to be everyone's safe space. I can't. I don't have the energy, and frankly, that's not my priority.

What makes for a 'safe' friend to talk to?

I feel like the answer varies with people. 

For example, I know most of my friends would be devastated if I lied to them, but when I post online about lies, there are always some people who claim that they preferred to be lied to, to save their feelings. 

I would not be a 'safe' friend for those people, ever. 

Especially in a highly emotional or trauma-based situation. 

And that's OK. I don't want to be everyone's safe space. I can't. I don't have the energy, and frankly, that's not my priority. 

But let's talk about why I'm not your 'safe' friend. 

Find the full transcript for this episode here. https://datingkinky.com/blog/personal/i-am-not-your-safe-friend/