Apathy is probably not something we want a lot of in our relationships, yet it's easy to grow, and it springs up in so many places when we're not looking.

Not that we want to. But I believe when understand how we do something, we also better understand how we might avoid doing something. 

Elie Wiesel (Ellie Vizel) famously said, "The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference."

Indifference. Apathy. Lack of care, enthusiasm, or interest. 

Probably not something we want a lot of in our relationships, yet it's easy to grow, and it springs up in so many places when we're not looking. 

All it needs is a foothold. 

And frankly, as flawed humans, we create footholds aplenty through inattention, insecurity, intractability...


Apathy in a relationship. 

When a relationship turns, it can go one of two ways:

Into hate. 

Into apathy. 

Sometimes, it takes a detour into hate on the way to apathy. After all, hate is still caring strongly, just not positively, and that kind of care is exhausting. 


That kind of care is exhausting. 

That means love itself, which is an intense care, can be exhausting—especially if we're not filled up with that same kind of energy in return. 

And let me be clear, we don't all have the exact same levels of energy available to us for love. 

(Which is a whole 'nother topic...but suffice to say that just like some people excel at sports, and others at braining, some people might have more energy for love or less, and that can lead to imbalances in relationships.) 

Find the full transcript for this episode here. https://datingkinky.com/blog/love/how-do-we-cultivate-apathy-in-our-relationships/