I don't preach nonmonogamy (although I sometimes want to). In fact, I've said it before, poly or nonmonogamy are not for everyone.

I don't preach nonmonogamy (although I sometimes want to). In fact, I've said it before, poly or nonmonogamy are not for everyone. 

I personally love being nonmonogamous. It's led to amazing experiences for myself and my loved ones. So, sure, sometimes, I want to tell people that they can be as hoppy and slutty as I am...but it's not about that, and I know that wouldn't make everyone happy. 

I know people who are happily monogamous. I know people who are happily nonmonogamous. I know people who were one, then the other, still happily. 

And I know people who are unhappy in their relationships, no matter the shape and form. 

Nonmonogamy is just one part of a relationship. 

It's a part that is not really discussed or represented well in our wider culture, though, so I often write about it, with an eye towards demystifying and examining. 

It's not about telling YOU how you should relate. 

Because, how could it be? I don't know you, I don't know what's best for you, and frankly, I don't care how you choose to do relationships, unless you are doing them with me. 

At least not in a specific way. 

There are things I do care about, though, in a more general way. 
Find the full transcript for this episode here. https://datingkinky.com/blog/polyamory/do-what-works/