Did you know that 57% of divorced couples cite money as the reason for divorce and 40% of couples don’t even talk about money before marriage? It turns out that arguments around money have nothing to do with the numbers themselves and everything to do with the psychology behind money, that is, how you were raised to think about money. We all have a legacy — a story that is handed down from generation to generation about what money has meant to our family — and we bring those beliefs and feelings into our relationships. Season 3 of the Date Smart podcast is about those money beliefs, and how they affect our dating lives.

My name is Taylor Wade, and in the third season, I’ll be accompanied by Rebel Finance School founders Alan & Katie Donegan. Together we’ll explore our money psychology, how to discover the money mindset of the person you’re dating or your long-term partner, and how to reconcile opposing perspectives around money so you can get on the same page and become co-creators of your lives. 

The Date Smart podcast is brought to you by Ambiance Matchmaking, a matchmaking service for conscious leaders, creatives, and entrepreneurs. Subscribe now and catch up on all of the shows from the first two seasons. Season 3 is coming soon. Thanks.