We talked about:

Sandra's background
Making a YouTube channel to break into the LLM space
The business cases for LLMs
LLMs as amplifiers
The befits of keeping a human in the loop when using LLMs (AI limitations)
Using LLMs as assistants
Building an app that uses an LLM
Prompt whisperers and how to improve your prompts
Sandra's 7-day LLM experiment
Sandra's LLM content recommendations
Finding Sandra online


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandrakublik/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sandra_kublik
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@sandra_kublik

Free MLOps course: https://github.com/DataTalksClub/mlops-zoomcamp
Join DataTalks.Club: https://datatalks.club/slack.html
Our events: https://datatalks.club/events.html

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