152  |  Year in Review 2019

Hi everyone! We are once again at the end of a whole year. After having “end of the year episodes” with other podcasters, going around the world, and chatting with Andy and Robert, we decided to try something different this time: we asked a group of data visualization professionals to send us an audio snippet summarizing what happened in specific areas of the field over the last year. The result is a great multifaceted collage of stories and personalities. See below who we have interviewed and what they talked about.

Happy New Year! Thanks so much for listening to the show. We’ll see you in 2020 with a whole set of great new episodes!

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Alberto Cairo on Data literacy

Nightingale, a publication edited by the Data visualization society
Improvement of free or freemium tools: Datawrapper, Flourish. Crowdsourcing of RawGraphs successful
New popularizing books: Ben Jones’ “Avoiding Data Pitfalls”Stephanie Evergreen’s “Data Visualization Sketchbook”Cole Nussbaumer’s “Storytelling with Data: Lets Practice!”Alberto Cairos own: “How Charts Lie”
The pace at which podcasts such as yours publish (not a new development, but still)
Andy Kirk’s Little of Visualization design series (ongoing effort)
Albertos own recent MOOC (12,000+ people)
Upcoming conferences: IRE-NICAR, Malofiej, Computation+Journalism, the Data Visualization Society conference, etc.


Amelia Wattenberger on Learning data visualization from a newcomer’s perspective

Data visualization society  
Figma (UI design tool)
Lots of free tutorials and ways to get started in data viz

Amelia’s bird’s eye view of the library

Challenge: awareness about where data comes from!

The erroneousness of considering data as “facts”
Show how data can be biased or misconstrued


Andy Kirk on Data tools

The acquisition of Looker by Google  
Data Wrapper
Raw Graphs (fundraising for v2.0)

Data illustrator and Charticulator did not develop further
How do you create outputs for multiple platforms
More techniques to explore more encodings


David Bauer on Data Journalism

Bar chart races!
From data-driven to data-inspired stories (more about people behind the data)
New focus on climate change / showing the data does not do the trick
Teams invest in tools! + role of Data Wrapper
David’s newsletter “Weekly Filet”

Elijah Meeks on Data viz within the industry 

Data visualization hitting the mainstream
First datavis president / Trump interested in the actual chart
Michelle Rial / beyond coffee table books / “Data Humanism”
Giorgia Lupi and her fashion line
Data vis no longer only a supplemental skill

DVS has 10000 members!
Tableau and Looker acquisition
Technical maturity of viz

No longer see the development of many new types of visualizations, we are more optimizing what we have
Not only limited to technical people

Jen Christiansen on Science communication 

Scientists and designers are now speaking the same language!
Visualization by Nadieh Bremer: In Many Places, the Sun Peaks Well after 12:00 
Beyond data as “truth”, even in science! [Postmodern Data Science?]
Article in Scientific American: How to Get Better at Embracing Unknowns, by Jessica Hullman
Warming Stripes by Ed Hawkins  

Jessica Hullman on Viz research


Pierre Dragicevic et.al. Explorable Multiverse Analyses

J. Hullman, P. Resnick, E. Adar. Hypotetical Outcome Plots

N. McCurdy. Making room for implicit error: a visualization approach to managing data discrepancy

N. McCurdy, M. Meyer. IEEE TVCG 2019.  A Framework for Externalizing Implicit Error Using Visualization

Yea Seul Kim, K. Reinecke, J. Hullman. Explaining the Gap: Visualizing One’s Predictions Improves Recall and Comprehension of Data

Yea Seul Kim, L. Walls, P.M. Krafft, J. Hullman. A Bayesian Cognition Approach to Improve Data Visualization. ACM CHI 2019

Michael Correll. Vis for Digital Humanities Workshop Keynote (at IEEE VIS 2019)

Data Feminism, by Catherine d’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein


Lauren Klein on Data ethics 

Book: Data Feminism, by Catherine d’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein 

Biased algorithms
Series of events: The new Jim Code
ACM Fairness and Accountability Group + CRAFT Conference
Kate Crawford’s Anatomy of an AI system

Maarten Lambrecht on Xenographics

Some of the charts in the xenographics collection pop up in the wild 
Unsolved issue: data visualisation in education, both at lower as in higher levels of education
Tools: RAWGraphs

Maral Pourkazemi on Diversity and inclusion

Gender diversity in the field (women in the field lead a lot!)
More empowered. Taken more into consideration.


Mitchell Whitelaw on Viz localism

Renewed attention to local data practices
John Thackara: Bio-regional design  


Paolo Ciuccarelli on Visualization & design

Interest in design as a discipline
Shift towards the human
Automating design
Data literacy
Tools: Raw Graphs (fundraising for v2.0)

Thomas Dahm on Data viz conferences

Us by Night (Belgium)  
Beyond Tellerrand (Germany) 
Offf Barcelona 
(Relatively) good mix of speakers
Dataviz speakers booked as speakers at more general design conferences
Agencies do conferences
Unsolved challenges: 


Thomas Dahm’s Neon Moiré


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