At this time in our current enlightened period in history, we're actually not enlightened with regard to cannabis benefits, medicinal uses, how to debunk disinformation that has been being spread since the 1930s, and how to protect the privacy of cannabis users, as well as their associated personal data, and the business data of the dispensaries.

Have you used cannabis, of any kind in any form? Have any of your family members or friends? For recreation and/or for medicinal purposes? Do you know how or if the associated data you provided to the dispensaries was protected, shared, and used?

At least 38 U.S. states, along with Washington, D.C. and 16 US territories, have legalized cannabis of some type, in some way. Want to hear which ones? Do you know which of these laws include requirements for privacy and/or data security? Do you know the current status of federal regulations for cannabis legalization? Including how HIPAA may or may not apply?

Do you know what the difference is between cannabis, medical cannabis and marijuana, if any? What about the differences between CBD and THC? Do you know the medical benefits of cannabis?

Do you know the ways in which the cannabis dispensaries put your data at risk? And your privacy at risk?

Were you aware of the recent data privacy breaches at cannabis dispensaries? Or, about a huge security flaw that allowed 85,000 cannabis dispensary customers’ personal data to be searchable and viewable online, by anyone?

Do you realize the harms that could occur to those whose personal data and associated cannabis purchasing history and related details were obtained by others? Or, if even just the financial data of a cannabis store was breached and used by competitors? Hint: They are significant!

Popular guest and medical cannabis security and privacy expert Michelle Dumay returns for this fourth in a series of shows about current cannabis laws and regulations, personal data privacy and security risks involved with in-person and online sales, and provides some wise advice for all these issues.

Please tune in to hear this enlightening discussion!

#Privacy #PrivacyManagement #RiskManagement #CyberSecurity #DataSecurity #MedicalCannabis #Cannabis #Laws #Marijuana #WackyTobaccy #Dispensaries #Breach #PersonalData #HIPAA #CBD #THC