There continue to be more lessons to learn from the past 8+ years of election cycles in the US. Lessons that can be applied throughout the world, about the need to build in strong security and privacy protections to the associated processes, systems, and physical components of elections to strengthen democracy as well as to establish verifiable and validated election results.

The FBI reports verified election interference attempts and goals of China, Russia, Iran & domestic groups; often through election candidates’ campaign organizations and associated groups.

What kind of interference is targeting campaigns and candidates? How does strengthening security practices help to prevent these interference goals from being fulfilled? What is the goal and mission for CyberDome? Why is US CyberDome well-suited to help fight interference with election campaigns?

Listen in as Matt Barrett, co-founder of US CyberDome, provides insights, research findings, advice to campaigns, and describes the goals of CyberDome to protect election campaigns during this conversation with Rebecca.