What does a world below 1.5°C actually look like? 

Ahead of the beginning of the much-anticipated COP26 climate change conference, in this episode of the Data Points podcast Berkeley Earth Chief Scientist Dr. Robert Rohde, and Research Scientist Dr. Zeke Hausfather dive into your questions about COP26 and the climate science of a world below the Paris Agreement targets. 

Topics covered include equitable emissions reductions and industrialized vs developing nations, methane and melting permafrost, climate models and warming forecasts, climate feedback loops, global emissions caps and climate dividends, climate disinformation, housing policy in the context of climate change, and how actual emissions reductions can be measured and enforced.

Again, we can't thank you enough for your outstanding questions. Be sure to follow Robert, Zeke, and Berkeley Earth on Twitter for the latest from the COP26 conference in Glasgow.

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