In this episode, I chat with Savvas Zortikis about an Analytical approach to Viral Marketing. 

Hear Savvas talk about how he studied Word-of-Mouth like a mad-scientist. He turned his hard-earned knowledge into six digestible chunks of 'execution-ready' methods - and launched it on Product Hunt. No surprise, it went viral.  SaaS product customer retention - how he figured out what it takes to have high retention and NPS.  Round of rapid-fire questions on Growth and Retention. 

About Savvas Zortikis

Savvas is a CEO of Viral Loops, a venture-backed viral and referral marketing platform for building referral campaigns, ambassador programs, viral competitions, and sweepstakes. On his free time, he pursues his passion for understanding network effects, the science behind word of mouth and branding. He’s been featured in Forbes, and Fortune.