Emrah Gultekin is the co-founder and CEO of Chooch. Chooch AI is a complete visual AI platform with an API, a dashboard, and a mobile SDK. Combining computer vision training with machine learning, Chooch offers object recognition and facial authentication, with autonomous labeling, data collection, neural network selection, and more. Chooch is used in the media, advertising, banking, medical, and security industries.

Enjoy the show!

We speak about:

[00:30] How Emrah started in the world of data

[03:00] What is the inspiration behind your company?

[05:00] How did you meet your co-founder?

[06:45] How do you tackle disagreements with your co-founder?

[08:00] Did you de-risk your life from the start-up?

[11:00] About Emrah’s products

[14:00] Case study examples

[20:20] What makes Chooch different?

[23:30] Do you have methods to prioritize your labeling?

[30:40] What has surprised you the most about Chooch?

[33:40] When did you decide to move to Silicon Valley?

[34:30] What are you working on now?

[36:15] Advice for the listeners


Emrah’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emrah-gultekin-6123ab1/

Chooch: https://chooch.ai


“We automate the labeling process – that has been a key thing to scale.”

“No data is perfect.”

“We have to understand that bias is a natural state.”

“The more you know about something, the more critical you will be.”

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