Kevin Harrison is working as Chief Data Officer and Deputy Chief Information Officer for the City of Oakland in California. Prior to this he worked as the first ever Chief Data Officer for the State of Illinois. During that time he designed the blueprint for the State Data Practice. Operating under the new Department of Innovation and Technology agency, he implemented an enterprise approach to Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, covering all 60 State Agencies to create a collaborative and sharing environment across the state.

Having worked with multiple organisations, Kevin has been able to handle different types of challenges in our industry. In today’s episode, Kevin shares the strategies he applied to move from smaller projects to bigger ones. How he has been able to help organisations increase their market share and improve operations. Kevin also shares why he thinks changing the perception of organisations about data and educating them about tools in the space is so important. He further talks about data governance and possible changes in role of the data scientist role in future. 

In This Episode:

01:55 Professional background of Kevin

06:30 Why data is important?

07:20 Evolution of Data warehousing

10:00 How organizations are utilizing the data?

11:39 As data officer, how to help organizations to improve their data capabilities?

13:00 Building trust is crucial for project success

13:30 Transition from small to bigger project

16:12 Challenges faced as data consultant

19:00 Educating about the change coming to data science

21:00 Process of data strategy for organizations

23:50 Why so many data warehousing failed?

26:00 Importance of data governance

27:10 Biggest problem in data governance

31:56 Role of data storage

35:15 Challenges faced from moving to another industry/sector

38:42 Qualities data scientist should have

41:43 Future of data science

42:30 Advice to the listeners

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