Kevin Ross has had more than 20 years of experience in using data, science and analytics to lead decision-making. Now, as the CEO at Precision Driven Health, and Advisory Board Chair at the NAOI (Natural, Artificial and Organisational Intelligence) Institute, he is placed right at the heart of the data discussion in New Zealand.

He joins us on the Data Futurology podcast this week to discuss the evolving role of data in healthcare, and how it has broadened to really start to embrace personalisation. “We have this fantastic opportunity other there where we know that health doesn’t make use of all the data that’s out there,” he said. “Imagine what you could achieve if you added the computational power of AI into diagnosis and healthcare. The potential is amazing for guiding people to understand themselves and their outcomes.

“It is being driven by consumers looking for health to provide them the same services that they can get elsewhere.”

Ross acknowledges that change is coming slowly, but as it is being driven by customer demand, the change is inevitable. Those healthcare organisations that can adjust will prove to be the disruptive forces in the years ahead.

Elsewhere in this wide-ranging podcast, Ross also discusses the advances in data capture technique, and the implication that has for better analytics and AI. He also talks through the privacy and ethical implications of data use in healthcare, and how data outcomes can be understood and measured within healthcare.

Healthcare is one of the most fascinating sectors when it comes to data, analytics, and patient outcomes, and we’re only scratching the surface of it. Tune in to this in-depth conversation with Ross to get a sense for what’s coming next.

Enjoy the show!

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Read the full podcast episode summary here.