From skills shortages to remote working, keeping data professionals happy and comfortable in their roles is a rapidly evolving challenge. This week on the podcast, Talent Insights Group Director, Ben Le Gassick, and Associate Director, Patrick Choy, are our special guests as we delve into the problems organisations face in attracting and retaining the best people.

The talent shortage means that many employees feel overworked and overwhelmed. Meanwhile, while remote work has become standard and expected, making sure that people continue to feel engaged and connected within their teams and organisation is important to avoid attrition within teams.

On the podcast, Patrick and Ben discuss solutions to these pressing problems. It could be as simple as understanding the strengths and interests of each individual data scientist, and ensuring that the work meets their personal and professional goals. Another best practice is to leverage contractors intelligently to supplement the permanent staff. It’s also important to consider how to keep the data scientist engaged once the application that they were working on has been deployed and the workload shifts to maintenance. Many data scientists leave a role after a year simply because maintenance work isn’t as engaging, so what is the solution there?

And, finally, Patrick and Ben also share their thoughts about what employees like to see in a leader. People are attracted to great leaders and even willing to follow them from one company to the next. So, what can an organisation do to make sure that they are the ones with the great leadership team?

Tune in for these insights, and many more, about the opportunities and challenges in recruitment for data roles in 2022 and beyond.

We will be covering this topic in more detail at Advancing AI Sydney with our awesome community. To join us there in person register with the earlybird discount at:

Read the full podcast episode summary here.


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