On this episode of the podcast, we have the privilege to speak to Michelle-Joy Low, Ph.D, the Head of Data & AI at Reece Group. Low talks us through how data is the foundation of the ongoing transformation of one of Australia’s most venerable retail brands, having celebrated 100 years in 2020.

Low explains the importance of diversity in the workforce, and how it leads to better outcomes for the business and better outcomes for the customer. The tech space has been particularly good at recognising the importance of diversity, Low said, and Australia is a great place to work in that regard, but at the same time it’s now important to look beyond participating in the movements, and genuinely build diverse teams that are empowered to speak out about and drive further change.

Low also shares some of the challenges that come from AI, and how she and her team are grappling with them. For example, data is complex to implement and expensive… and the decision makers behind the data projects are distant from the team that builds the applications. The Chief Customer Officer, for example, doesn’t build apps themselves. So how do you tackle that challenge within the data team and deliver outcomes for the organisation?

Tune in for this deep-dive and fascinating conversation about how a business is leveraging data to drive toward better outcomes for all.

Enjoy the show!

Thanks to our sponsor, Talent Insights Group!

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Read the full podcast episode summary here.