In this episode, Felipe is joined by three special guests and pioneers of data and analytics in Australia. In celebration of International Women’s Day 2022 we tackled the trifecta of tough topics in the data analytics community right now – teams, culture, and talent.

Often we hear that the data and the tech, even the analytics itself, are the easy part. People, engagement, and culture matter the most. If the shiny tools just sit on a shelf, with a disengaged audience then no one wins. What does it take to turn that around? Right now, we're exploring the limits of organisation-wide data literacy. Inside organisations, we want to change how decisions are made, but as yet it's not clear how much expertise people are willing to acquire as part of their day job. It takes a culture that will encourage and support that growth, teams that can flourish beyond siloes and the ability to find in-demand talent.

This show includes such a great discussion full of insight and real-world application.

You can catch even more from two of our fantastic guests, Michelle-Joy (MJ) and Kathryn, at our Advancing AI event taking place at the Crown Promenade Melbourne on 6-7 April. Register here to catch up with Felipe, MJ and Kathryn in-person:

Thanks to our sponsor Talent Insights Group!

Enjoy the show.

Read the full podcast episode summary here.