We are joined by Florian Douetteau, a legend in the industry, who built a unicorn company within the data space. He is the CEO of Dataiku, a platform that assists in systemising the use of your data for exceptional business results.

Florian is a mathematician by trade, however he found the mathematics world too theoretical for his liking and wanted to move into a space where he could work on practical applications of the discipline.

He realized one of the things avoiding the widespread use of business intelligence was the fact that whatever the advance in the reporting, data itself was a problem, and in his own words, when you’ve got a problem and you want to solve it at scale, software is a good solution. That’s where Dataiku comes in, through their platform they enable teams to create and deliver data and advanced analytics using the latest techniques at scale.

Their motto is “Leave no one behind with AI.”, which Florian explains comes from the fact that for a data & AI project to have the right impact, you need a balance in terms of who is behind the wheel. It shouldn’t be just data scientists, you also need business stakeholders to participate. Ultimately, Dataiku is all about making data science and AI accessible to all the people in the organisation and enable them to take part in building AI and consuming AI-driven applications.

Tune in to hear more about Florian’s start in the data space, the lessons he has learned along the way and how he is working towards the democratisation of data through his company, Dataiku.

Enjoy the show!

Thanks to our sponsor Talent Insights Group!

Read full episode summary here.