In this episode we speak with Tony Laing who is the General Manager of Analytics & Data Services at Auto & General. We talk about:

- what is the ‘nuts and bolts’ of analytics
- what is the data supply chain required in organisations for the delivery of analytics/ML solutions
- how to deliver quick wins and strategic projects concurrently
- the journey to add significant value in an organisation through analytics
- what questions to ask executives to kickstart their data science journey
- why is there so much turnover in data science
- why data preparation and model building is only 20% of the job
- what type of model is the best to drive commercial outcomes
- whether ML applied in specific domains is AI or not
- the art of data preparation, increases in computing power and automation of data science
- what is “the knife fight” of data science and what type of companies can benefit the most

Show notes:

Tony is based in Brisbane, Australia