David is the Senior Advisor for Data and Artificial Intelligence at UnionBank Philippines. Concurrently David is an external advisor to Singapore's Corrupt Investigation Practices Bureau (CPIB) in the capacity of Senior Advisor (Artificial Intelligence) and to Singapore's Central Provident Fund Board (CPF) in the capacity of Senior Advisor (Data Science).

David loves the idea of programming logic. We have the ability to use information as mechanisms to assist us on a day-to-day basis. So, David was inspired to explore the possibilities of data. After high school, David considered artificial intelligence or astrophysics. However, he ended up finding a place that has a combined degree of computer science and artificial intelligence. In fact, he was the second student to complete the degree.

Stay tuned as David gives his perspective on data governance – it's a mechanism that allows us to identify what we should and shouldn't do. In addition, David reveals his views on AI governance, and David explains how he balances all of his work.


“I was called a geek many, many times in my life, so I’m going to own it now.”

“The objective is: how do you take these very complex ideas, and explain them in very pragmatic, very relatable terms.”

“I personally have a bit of an aversion to the term [data scientist], for two reasons: every scientist uses data, and it’s just too generic.”

“We need to also equally realise when data isn’t relevant, … a process is what’s required.”

Read the full episode summary here: Episode #125

Enjoy the show!