Michelle is Head of Enterprise Data Governance at ANZ Bank. In this role, Michelle is responsible for Data Governance strategy across the group, ANZ Data Privacy and Ethics framework, Enterprise Metadata Management, Data Risk and a Centre of Excellence for Data Quality. Michelle has over 25 years of experience in the world of Data and utilizes that knowledge to help foster organized and sustainable large scale analytical environments for commercial success. Michelle has a particular interest in building frameworks for ethical data use by successfully developing ANZ’s principles for Data Ethics.

In this episode, Michelle describes the importance of transparency in data ethics. For instance, in the world of insurance, people want to know how their premium is calculated. What information is the company using to calculate the insurance premiums? So, the insurance company needs to explain what information they are putting into the black box. Insurance algorithms for premiums are like the formula for Coca-Cola; no one ever shares it. To combat this, Michelle needed to put herself in the mindset of the customer.

Stay tuned as Michelle explains how the customer journey can benefit from data governance. Also, Michelle reveals where she thinks the future of data ethics is going, how data ethics overlaps with data governance, and the ways that consent fits into data ethics.


“I did a lot of work in redesigning documents and determining what information to disclose and that really comes down to transparency and transparency is a big aspect of data ethics.”

“That was a legislation where you actually had to articulate what are the factors, what is the information that you give us that we actually then use to calculate your premium. So it took it from being an enigma to explaining these are the inputs that we put in. And that's got a lot of relevance to today's world with artificial intelligence which is what information are you putting into that black box to then produce the outcomes that are going to impact me. And so I guess that's the genesis of it and that was a really big change in the insurance world because insurance algorithms for premiums are like the formula for Coca-Cola nobody ever shares them anywhere.”

“I'm not shy about saying you know data is not part of the IT world, it's part of the business world.”

Read the full episode summary here: Episode #123

Enjoy the show!