Andrea draws on the wealth of experience gained from her long-standing commitment in the industry, specifically in the areas of Business Intelligence, Data Mining, and Data Warehousing. She studied at the Universities of Dortmund and Sheffield and graduated with a master’s degree in statistics (University Dortmund). In 1999 Andrea branched out to form her own consulting firm rendering personalized services (Business Intelligence, DBM, CRM, and Marketing Services).In April 2012, she took on the role of director strategic analytics, Draftfcb München GmbH, part of IPG Group, now HackerAgency. Andrea’s profound know-how meets the needs of national and international key players in various markets and makes her a frequent lecturer at several universities as well as a well-known speaker at professional conferences. In addition, she is a noted author of two books about data and business.

Enjoy the show!

We speak about:

[00:10] About Andrea Ahlemeyer-Stubbe

[02:25] How did you get started in the world of data?

[04:00] How has the rise of data and statistics impacted your career?

[08:45] Is marketing and analytics something you fell into? Or did you choose to pursue it intentionally?

[12:10] What holds people back from trusting data?

[15:00] Case Study

[21:30] What led you to make the jump to business owner?

[26:40] Tell us about your work in China, Japan, and the US

[29:45] What surprised you when you started your own business?

[32:00] Tell us about your books

[40:50] What led you to write your books?

[42:30] What advice do you have for listeners in the data analytics space?


Andreas’s LinkedIn:

Monetizing Data:

Practical Guide to Data Mining:


“That data you use for prediction should be similar to the data situation where it will be used.”

“If people are involved, and you need a decision, it's never done in 5 minutes.”

“It’s not just being an expert; it’s clear you have to be that, but being seen as an expert”

“Sell your work; they aren’t really interested in the beautiful nice methods.”

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