
Object storage is quickly becoming the unifying layer for data intensive applications and analytics. Modern, cloud oriented data warehouses and data lakes both rely on the durability and ease of use that it provides. S3 from Amazon has quickly become the de-facto API for interacting with this service, so the team at MinIO have built a production grade, easy to manage storage engine that replicates that interface. In this episode Anand Babu Periasamy shares the origin story for the MinIO platform, the myriad use cases that it supports, and the challenges that they have faced in replicating the functionality of S3. He also explains the technical implementation, innovative design, and broad vision for the project.


Hello and welcome to the Data Engineering Podcast, the show about modern data management
When you’re ready to build your next pipeline, or want to test out the projects you hear about on the show, you’ll need somewhere to deploy it, so check out our friends at Linode. With 200Gbit private networking, scalable shared block storage, and a 40Gbit public network, you’ve got everything you need to run a fast, reliable, and bullet-proof data platform. If you need global distribution, they’ve got that covered too with world-wide datacenters including new ones in Toronto and Mumbai. And for your machine learning workloads, they just announced dedicated CPU instances. Go to today to get a $20 credit and launch a new server in under a minute. And don’t forget to thank them for their continued support of this show!
You listen to this show to learn and stay up to date with what’s happening in databases, streaming platforms, big data, and everything else you need to know about modern data management.For even more opportunities to meet, listen, and learn from your peers you don’t want to miss out on this year’s conference season. We have partnered with organizations such as O’Reilly Media, Dataversity, Corinium Global Intelligence, and Data Council. Upcoming events include the O’Reilly AI conference, the Strata Data conference, the combined events of the Data Architecture Summit and Graphorum, and Data Council in Barcelona. Go to to learn more about these and other events, and take advantage of our partner discounts to save money when you register today.
Your host is Tobias Macey and today I’m interviewing Anand Babu Periasamy about MinIO, the neutral, open source, enterprise grade object storage system.


How did you get involved in the area of data management?
Can you explain what MinIO is and its origin story?
What are some of the main use cases that MinIO enables?
How does MinIO compare to other object storage options and what benefits does it provide over other open source platforms?

Your marketing focuses on the utility of MinIO for ML and AI workloads. What benefits does object storage provide as compared to distributed file systems? (e.g. HDFS, GlusterFS, Ceph)

What are some of the challenges that you face in terms of maintaining compatibility with the S3 interface?

What are the constraints and opportunities that are provided by adhering to that API?

Can you describe how MinIO is implemented and the overall system design?

How has that design evolved since you first began working on it?

What assumptions did you have at the outset and how have they been challenged or updated?

What are the axes for scaling that MinIO provides and how does it handle clustering?

Where does it fall on the axes of availability and consistency in the CAP theorem?

One of the useful features that you provide is efficient erasure coding, as well as protection against data corruption. How much overhead do those capabilties incur, in terms of computational efficiency and, in a clustered scenario, storage volume?
For someone who is interested in running MinIO, what is involved in deploying and maintaining an installation of it?
What are the cases where it makes sense to use MinIO in place of a cloud-native object store such as S3 or Google Cloud Storage?
How do you approach project governance and sustainability?
What are some of the most interesting/innovative/unexpected ways that you have seen MinIO used?
What do you have planned for the future of MinIO?

Contact Info

@abperiasamy on Twitter
abperiasamy on GitHub

Parting Question

From your perspective, what is the biggest gap in the tooling or technology for data management today?

Closing Announcements

Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to check out our other show, Podcast.__init__ to learn about the Python language, its community, and the innovative ways it is being used.
Visit the site to subscribe to the show, sign up for the mailing list, and read the show notes.
If you’ve learned something or tried out a project from the show then tell us about it! Email [email protected]) with your story.
To help other people find the show please leave a review on iTunes and tell your friends and co-workers
Join the community in the new Zulip chat workspace at


Object Storage
Swift Stack
Google BigQuery
AWS SageMaker
AWS Athena
S3 Select
Azure Blob Store
Round Robin DNS
Service Mesh
Free Software
TanTan Blog Post
MCAdmin Trace

The intro and outro music is from The Hug by The Freak Fandango Orchestra / CC BY-SA


Object storage is quickly becoming the unifying layer for data intensive applications and analytics. Modern, cloud oriented data warehouses and data lakes both rely on the durability and ease of use that it provides. S3 from Amazon has quickly become the de-facto API for interacting with this service, so the team at MinIO have built a production grade, easy to manage storage engine that replicates that interface. In this episode Anand Babu Periasamy shares the origin story for the MinIO platform, the myriad use cases that it supports, and the challenges that they have faced in replicating the functionality of S3. He also explains the technical implementation, innovative design, and broad vision for the project.


Hello and welcome to the Data Engineering Podcast, the show about modern data management
When you’re ready to build your next pipeline, or want to test out the projects you hear about on the show, you’ll need somewhere to deploy it, so check out our friends at Linode. With 200Gbit private networking, scalable shared block storage, and a 40Gbit public network, you’ve got everything you need to run a fast, reliable, and bullet-proof data platform. If you need global distribution, they’ve got that covered too with world-wide datacenters including new ones in Toronto and Mumbai. And for your machine learning workloads, they just announced dedicated CPU instances. Go to today to get a $20 credit and launch a new server in under a minute. And don’t forget to thank them for their continued support of this show!
You listen to this show to learn and stay up to date with what’s happening in databases, streaming platforms, big data, and everything else you need to know about modern data management.For even more opportunities to meet, listen, and learn from your peers you don’t want to miss out on this year’s conference season. We have partnered with organizations such as O’Reilly Media, Dataversity, Corinium Global Intelligence, and Data Council. Upcoming events include the O’Reilly AI conference, the Strata Data conference, the combined events of the Data Architecture Summit and Graphorum, and Data Council in Barcelona. Go to to learn more about these and other events, and take advantage of our partner discounts to save money when you register today.
Your host is Tobias Macey and today I’m interviewing Anand Babu Periasamy about MinIO, the neutral, open source, enterprise grade object storage system.


How did you get involved in the area of data management?
Can you explain what MinIO is and its origin story?
What are some of the main use cases that MinIO enables?
How does MinIO compare to other object storage options and what benefits does it provide over other open source platforms?

Your marketing focuses on the utility of MinIO for ML and AI workloads. What benefits does object storage provide as compared to distributed file systems? (e.g. HDFS, GlusterFS, Ceph)

What are some of the challenges that you face in terms of maintaining compatibility with the S3 interface?

What are the constraints and opportunities that are provided by adhering to that API?

Can you describe how MinIO is implemented and the overall system design?

How has that design evolved since you first began working on it?

What assumptions did you have at the outset and how have they been challenged or updated?

What are the axes for scaling that MinIO provides and how does it handle clustering?

Where does it fall on the axes of availability and consistency in the CAP theorem?

One of the useful features that you provide is efficient erasure coding, as well as protection against data corruption. How much overhead do those capabilties incur, in terms of computational efficiency and, in a clustered scenario, storage volume?
For someone who is interested in running MinIO, what is involved in deploying and maintaining an installation of it?
What are the cases where it makes sense to use MinIO in place of a cloud-native object store such as S3 or Google Cloud Storage?
How do you approach project governance and sustainability?
What are some of the most interesting/innovative/unexpected ways that you have seen MinIO used?
What do you have planned for the future of MinIO?

Contact Info

@abperiasamy on Twitter
abperiasamy on GitHub

Parting Question

From your perspective, what is the biggest gap in the tooling or technology for data management today?

Closing Announcements

Thank you for listening! Don’t forget to check out our other show, Podcast.__init__ to learn about the Python language, its community, and the innovative ways it is being used.
Visit the site to subscribe to the show, sign up for the mailing list, and read the show notes.
If you’ve learned something or tried out a project from the show then tell us about it! Email [email protected]) with your story.
To help other people find the show please leave a review on iTunes and tell your friends and co-workers
Join the community in the new Zulip chat workspace at


Object Storage
Swift Stack
Google BigQuery
AWS SageMaker
AWS Athena
S3 Select
Azure Blob Store
Round Robin DNS
Service Mesh
Free Software
TanTan Blog Post
MCAdmin Trace

The intro and outro music is from The Hug by The Freak Fandango Orchestra / CC BY-SA

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