FRED is a data service provided by the St. Louis Federal Reserve. FRED is updated daily and allows 24/7 access to over 800,000 financial and economic data series from more than 100 public and proprietary sources. From kindergartners to economists to small business, the vast amounts of data allows us all to make more informed decisions.  This week, we welcome Yvetta Fortova, the manager of FRED and FRED-family products (ALFRED, GeoFRED) in the Research Division, where she oversees the collection, organization, and publication of data found in FRED.  We also have Maria A Arias who works on the FRED team developing and maintaining the data update process. She also helps lead FRED workshops for new and existing audiences to market new features and help users make the most of FRED.

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00:00 The Data Driven Real Estate Podcast welcomes Yvetta Fortova and Maria Arias from
@Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) team
02:16 When was FRED launched?
03:34 How many data time series are housed within FRED?
09:36 What is GeoFRED?
12:03 How big is the FRED team dealing with 800,000 data series?
16:20 Kindergarders use FRED?
18:56 Who decides the data sets that are featured in FRED? Who are some of the data partners?
33:23 How frequently is the data updated?
39:40 Does access to data at FRED inspire others, like states, to do a better job curating their own data?
47:45 Example of a real estate investor exploring a completely new market. What kind of data is available on things like the economy, demographics, and real estate?
57:10 What is FRED working on for 2021?