This is Interhacktives’ latest attempt to persuade you that data journalism can be relatable and human, and this time we’ve teamed up with a powerful ally: Christmas.

Christmas is a time of year for turkey, mince pies, stuffing, stockings, trees, treats, presents, and… data? On this week’s Data Day, James Somper and Luke Barratt look through the news to find some of their favourite examples of data-driven Christmas journalism.

Luke made his mince pie joke again, but this time you don’t have to wait until the end to hear it.

You can read Kate Hughes’ article on the true cost of Christmas here. The Money Editor of the Independent counts up our rising festive spending, and comes up with some eye-popping numbers.

The financial services company PNC has done what it’s been doing every year for the past 30 years, and calculated how much the presents in the ‘Twelve Days of Christmas’ would actually cost you. Partridges are cheaper this year, but what about pear trees?

Finally, Anjana Ahuja has a rather more serious story for the Financial Times about the mounting evidence that the vast quantities of alcohol consumed every Christmas are having a very serious effect on our physical health.

Thanks to Podington Bear for our theme song, ‘Am-Trans’.