Previous Episode: Matt. 21:1-11
Next Episode: Matt. 5:4- Mourning

Family Discussion Questions: 

Focus on Matt. 5:3, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

In what ways does God show His Love for us? Read Psalm 23:1-3 and point out how Jesus shows us His love.Is there a promise to claim, a truth to believe, or an attitude to live out? (What do we receive when we  become "poor in spirit"?)Ask, "How will tomorrow look different having heard and talked about this scripture?"


Additional Resources: 

Daily Prayer App for your phone-

HEAR Journaling:

All Scripture is read out of the ESV Translation of the Bible. 


This podcast is not designed to replace your personal devotion time with God. There are hundreds of resources out there on how to walk daily with Jesus. Our recommendation is to simply start with one of the Gospels in the New Testament and read few verses each day. Use the Replicate Ministries HEAR Journaling Method to respond: Highlight what stands out to you, explain what it means, apply it to your life, and respond in obedience.