“The people demand the downfall of the regime,” echoed the cry by tens of thousands of Egyptians as they occupied Tahrir Square on January 25, 2011. January 25th was celebrated annually as Police Day in Egypt. Unlike previous years, however, this January 25th saw the rage of a people brutalized by police for years explode onto the streets.

Perhaps the most famous of the Arab Spring uprisings, and certainly the one most covered at the time, Egypt saw its own uprising. Egyptians flooded Cairo's streets and marched onto Tahrir Square in the middle of the city, demanding bread, freedom, and social justice. And after roughly two weeks of struggle, they succeeded. Hosni Mubarak stepped down on February 11, 2011, ushering in what many optimists saw as a dawn of a new era in Egypt. Following the fall of Zein el Abedine Ben Ali of Tunisia, the dominoes were falling eastwards. Like a sleeping tiger, Egypt has awoken.

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