It was just another ordinary Saturday night when John was driving home from the shore. Little did he know that it would be a night that he wouldn't soon forget. Within the first year of the incident, John was periodically being tormented by eerie images and visions. For months and months he lost countless hours of sleep from these disturbing dreams. Some of them would last only for a few moments while others would last for several days. John kept silent, telling no one about these accounts as he jotted them down on paper whenever they occurred. Over the course of a couple of years, John has been trying to piece together one of the greatest mysteries that continues to elude him. As the pages were coming together, he realized that stories started slowly unfolding before his eyes. These mind-boggling events would overwhelm his soul daily the more he wrote and read about them. John relentlessly pursues the issue with the result of either taking one step forward closer to the answer or two steps backwards farther away from the truth. John Predovan Joins Darkness Radio to tell us about the story...